Q12 – Training Through Engagement (page 3)

Identify things that will improve your employees’ level of engagement and make your team part of the process 

There will not only be individual points raised by the respective respondents to the survey, there will most probably be some common themes too. With the former you need to deal with these “issues” on a one to one basis with the member of staff concerned and with the latter, which I consider to be potentially more serious for a business, you should look to find a solution to the problem quickly. Nothing can be more detrimental than an entire team feeling disengaged with your business, especially as many issues of common concern are often trivial and easy to fix. Remember, if they aren’t part of the solution, then they’ll remain part of the problem.

One way to do this is the by using the SMART method

SMART Goals – Set Them Up for Success

By ensuring employees have SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals, you will have staff that:

  • know what is expected of them
  • have the materials and equipment they need for their work
  • have the opportunity to do what they do best
  • are committed to quality

Each of these elements contributes to employee engagement.

Incorporate an action plan to implement the changes that fits within your overall business plan 

Your business plan should be a living document that adapts to your experience of the business and as such should be open to changes that you deem necessary when you have digested the results of a Q12 survey.

Discuss what needs to be done with your team and then incorporate it into your business plan/mission statement and act on it.

Q12 is a tool for improving the overall performance of your team and making your pub business more successful and not just a way of creating a “warm fuzzy” place to work 

The time for making staff feel all “warm and fuzzy” about your business is at the end of the night over a sociable drink not whilst they are performing their duties.

In other words you need to make sure that you and your team understand that Q12 is all about  discussion, agreement of a plan and the implementation of that plan . It is not an excuse for a prolonged whinge, nor is it an excuse for poor performance, you and your staff are at work for a purpose and that purpose is to  make profit  and create wealth for you and the team.

No doubt you will have to hand training programs and tools that you can use alongside Q12, but I believe any solution needs to be right and that the person(s) working with you is right for you too. If after all your efforts member(s) of your team simply don’t cut the mustard then you shouldn’t be afraid to take executive action to solve the problem. At the very least you will sleep secure in the knowledge that in the event you have to let under-performing staff go that you have done absolutely everything you can to engage them in your enterprise.

This article is only a synopsis of team development and how Q12 can give great insight to a team’s developmental needs. If you want to know more about the tool, look at Gallup’s website; there you will find a plethora of useful information on the subject. Whichever route you choose to “engage” with your staff here are some hard facts and figures from Inventive Leisure on how engagement has reduced their overall staff turnover by 10%.

Here are Ali Carter’s (Catercost.com) top tips for keeping staff motivated:

1) Hire for personality – warm, inviting, friendly types!
2) Give clear guidance and support, never let them guess what you need from them.
3) Be available, but don’t hover!
4) Praise openly, criticise privately.
5) When a telling off is needed, do it in the form of a ‘b*ll*ck burger’ – sandwich the criticism between two pieces of praise to make the staff member receptive to your advice.
6) Celebrate success as a team.
7) Celebrate ideas – even the ones that don’t work.
8) Remember that money is not the only motivator… what else will your staff work hard for? (Food and an early night are often all it takes with part-timers!)
9) Provide exceptional training – even free online courses.
10) Do your own job really well and lead with personality.

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