How To Run A Pub

The Equality Act 2010 (page 2)

Employee Rights

The above guidance is for dealing with members of the public, however, you will also need to apply the same principles with your staff. The act will affect how you advertise for, interview and select staff and you will need to be aware of this to avoid any challenge from potential or actual members of staff.

You will need to make sure that your terms and conditions of employment are written in such a way as to avoid any discrimination due to the protected characteristics. For instance as the minimum wage regulations allows you to pay younger staff less than older (those under 21) you can make this difference to their respective pay rates. What you cannot do is have a differential between men and women of equal age and doing the same job.

Just as you carry out a risk assessment for various health and safety issues affecting your business and publish a policy, it may be advantageous to you to produce a “diversity” policy statement for your business.

It might go something like this:

“XYZ Limited [or the name of your pub] operates a diversity policy in its dealings with all members of the public and its employees. The policy is to treat everyone using its services and facilities and consuming its goods and employed by the company equally.

XYZ Limited [or the name of your pub] is committed to providing equality of service and opportunity irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race (including ethnic or national origins as well as colour and nationality), religion or belief, gender and sexual orientation.”

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