Pubs, just like any other workplace can be dangerous, broken glass, hot kitchens, slippery floors can all present publicans with First Aid needs not just for their staff but for their customers too, so having adequate First Aid training and arrangements is essential.
Do I need a qualified First Aider at my work?
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with five or fewer employees and to the self-employed.
What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ provision?
The minimum legal requirement is to have an ‘appointed person’ (AP) to take charge of first aid arrangements in the workplace. This person does not have to be a trained and qualified emergency first-aider* or first-aider, although many employers regard this as best practice.
*To become an emergency first-aider the minimum level of first aid training you need is the Emergency First Aid at Work qualification.
Employers must carry out an assessment of first aid training needs to determine whether an AP is adequate or whether they need to provide a person who has undergone the three-day First Aid at Work course.
Whether persons qualified to provide first aid are required depends on:
- Whether you assess your premises as being ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and
- how many employees you have.
Low risk premises- such as pubs …
Number of Employees | Requirement |
Less than 25 | 1 Appointed Person (AP) |
25 -50 | 1 Emergency First Aid at Work-trained person who can also be the AP |
More than 50 | 1 First Aid at Work-trained person per 100 employees, one of whom can be the AP |
So in all likelihood you will only need 1 appointed person (AP) …
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What is first aid at work?
People at work can suffer injuries or be taken ill. It doesn’t matter whether the injury or illness is caused by the work they do or not, it is important to give them immediate attention and call an ambulance in serious cases. First aid at work covers the arrangements you should make to ensure this happens. It can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.
Q2: What do I need to do?
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work.
What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ will depend on the circumstances in your workplace and you should assess what your first-aid needs are (see Q3).
The minimum first-aid provision on any work site is:
- a suitably stocked first-aid box (see Q4)
- an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements (see Q5)
- information for employees about first-aid arrangements (see Q6)
It is important to remember that accidents and illness can happen at any time. First-aid provision needs to be available at all times people are at work.
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