If you are going to produce a large amount of coffee (particularly if these are to be produced over a short period of time, say after lunches) you will need a machine with a large boiler and a big element.
One way to maximise coffee sale is to offer it to take away. If you are looking to serve your coffee in the large 12oz coffee cups or tall latte glasses you will need a machine that has high group heads, a normal traditional coffee machine will not fit the largest of the cups underneath.
The difference between the two types of traditional coffee machine is that fully automatic coffee machines allow the dispense buttons to be programmed to the size of your cups. Whilst semi automatic coffee machines mean that the user has to keep their finger on the button. You still have to froth the milk etc with fully automatic coffee machines, it just means that the same amount of espresso gets dispensed every time.
Bean to cup coffee machines use fresh milk and coffee beans to produce a variety of different coffees at the touch of a button. They have the advantage of producing a consistent product. This means that you are sure that the coffee they produce will be good every time. These coffee machines require little staff training and whilst the drink is being produced staff can perform other tasks. However bean to cup coffee machines do require a lot more maintenance and upkeep than the other options.
Things to consider when purchasing a bean to cup coffee machine are the amount of coffees produced each day. Bean to cup coffee machines have a maximum limit on the amount of coffees produced each day, check with the supplier on these limits.
Bean to cup coffee machines can either supplied with a manually filled water reservoir or they can be plumbed into the mains so that the boiler fills automatically. If you choose a mains fed machine you will need to ensure there is an adequate cold water supply within one to two metres of the machine.
Dry ingredients coffee machine can dispense different drinks at the touch of a button quickly. These machines do not produce the same standard of coffee as the traditional or bean to cup coffee machines, however they require little up keep or staff skills and still produce a nice enough coffee for pubs. In addition dry ingredients coffee machines can incorporate hot chocolate, which is something that the other automatic machines cannot.
Filter / Pour and Serve coffee machines, these decanter style machines come in a variety of different sizes and are suitable when only basic coffee is required. Whilst they are usually manually filled with water, they also come as plumbed in machines.
Of course once you have made the coffee you will need to serve it in something and there is a huge range of crockery/glassware available. Many branded machines (and suppliers) will offer a start-up package for everything you need to make and serve quality coffee and this often includes free crockery, biscotti or other biscuits to accompany the coffee and coffee beans etc
Most commercial catering suppliers will be able to offer you a full range of crockery from mugs to espresso cups to latte glasses and the associated saucers etc and will be able to offer you cafetières and percolators and vacuum jugs for meetings etc.
And Finally …
More than a quarter (27%) of consumers opt for a coffee over dessert when dining out, according to research by OnePoll (10/9/13), poor coffee served in pubs will result in 33% of consumers not returning with consumers aged over 45 least likely to give a second chance. Quality outweighed price as a deciding factor for ordering with 68% of respondents rating it important or very important. Pubs fell down on quality with just 10% of respondents impressed with the coffee served opposed to 22% in fast food outlets and 64% in fine dining and independent establishments. So the old adage of quality counts is very true if you want to sell coffee.
Of course, no guide to coffee machines would be complete without some words on the product itself . If you want to differentiate your coffee offer from those around you, one sure fire way is to serve a bean your others aren’t serving.
Coffee is an amazingly intricate drink, with a myriad of possible aromas and flavours. These flavours develop in different ways depending on the type of coffee tree and (as with wine) its “terroir”, meaning the altitude, the soil quality and climate of where the tree grows. Just as one expects wine to vary in taste according to its place of origin, the same can be said for coffees from different countries or regions to vary in flavour too.
For instance, good quality Arabica coffees from Central America and East Africa, give delicious fruity flavours, as natural fruit acids in the bean develop by absorbing the minerals and micro nutrients in the soil. Coffee expert Jeremy Torz says “this can lead to a zesty citrus-like freshness, the jammy sweetness of apricots, or even tropical fruits”.
Darker flavours like chocolate and spice can be found in coffees from the Pacific and Arab regions of the world, as along with the “terroir” of these regions, the coffee tends to be processed in similar ways using little water and drying in the sun, and produces bold, rich coffees.
Nutty flavours can often be found in coffees from Brazil (amongst others). Walnut and almond notes are frequently present; try a bean from the regions of São Paulo which pairs perfectly with a morning pastry.
For a comprehensive guide to coffee beans, styles, serving tips etc from market leading Café Direct click here
How To Make Your Own Coffee Flavouring Syrups
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