Stage 3 – Final Written Warning
If the issue is not resolved or the matter is more serious a written statement will be given to the employee and s/he will be invited to attend a meeting to have a formal discussion on the matter.
The employee has the right to be accompanied by either a fellow work colleague or a qualified trade union representative.
If their explanation is not satisfactory a final written warning will be issued with their right to appeal within five days or the receipt of the letter.
Stage 4 – Dismissal
If the issue is not resolved or the matter is more serious a written statement will be given to the employee and s/he will be invited to attend a meeting to have a formal discussion on the matter.
The employee has the right to be accompanied by either a fellow work colleague or a qualified trade union representative.
If their explanation is not satisfactory your may serve notice to terminate their employment along with your right to appeal within five days or the receipt of the letter.
If the company considers instant dismissal is the appropriate course of disciplinary action the employee will be suspended from work on full pay for a minimum period of 48 hours to allow investigation of the matter(s) that led to their suspension.
If after investigation in a serious case as set out below (the list is not exhaustive) s/he may be instantly dismissed and given a written statement setting out what s/he has done or failed to do with the right to appeal within five days of receipt of the letter.
- Theft
- Misuse or deliberate damage of company property
- Fraud, giving away drinks or food deliberately
- Under or over charging customers
- Incapacity to work due to being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Physical assault or threatening behaviour
- Gross insubordination in front of witnesses
- Adulteration of goods whether intended for sale or otherwise
- Acts of discrimination
- Serious breach of Food Hygiene Regulations
- Persistent bad time-keeping
- Absence without permission
- You are required to comply with Health and Safety rules and to take steps as are reasonably practical for your own health and safety and that of others; failure to do so may result in instant dismissal
Licensing Act 2003 – Serious breaches of any of the four licensing objectives:
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- Prevention of a public nuisance
- Protection of children from harm
All serious breaches of any of the four licensing objectives may result in instant dismissal