Do’s and Don’ts
Do train your staff on the correct use and maintenance of these machines they are very expensive and critical to your front-line reputation.
Do fill baskets/racks to capacity before washing, half full will cost you more in time, chemicals, electricity and water, all big over-heads you will want to keep under control. The only time a less than full rack/basket goes through the machine is at the end of the day/trading session (and in some cases you should be able to leave them until the next day/trading session when a full rack can be washed).
Do keep the machine scrupulously clean – empty it daily, clean nozzles and filters regularly and keep all the seals clean from the inevitable build up of black mould, make it part of the staff’s regular duties.
Do keep the chemical reservoirs properly topped up –especially during peak washing times, make it part of staff routine to check the machines levels at the start of the evening.
Do have the machine regularly serviced and maintained – most suppliers will offer a service deal, however, check your local area and see if there is a contractor who will do this, it is often more economic to use a local authorised contractor.
Do pre-wash dishes/pots/cutlery – these machines are designed to sterilise/sanitise and then dry your dishes etc not wash off dried on food etc
Do keep a bottle brush, a toothbrush and a dish brush to hand – many of the component parts (such as nozzle arms etc) have very small apertures, many of the areas of the machines are very tightly organised (under heating elements etc) and some build-ups of “scum” and mould require a stiff brushing to keep under control.
Don’t be tempted to run coffee/tea cups through your glasswasher – send them to the kitchen to be washed or wash them separately and then put them through the glasswasher. The oils in tea, coffee, milk and cream can adversely affect the glasses you are washing at the same time leaving them smeared and sometimes “frosted”.
Some of the drinks you sell may require additional steps to ensure that the glasses you use are effectively cleaned. Baileys and other cream drinks will have the same effect as coffee cups, some juices with pulp in them will prove to stubborn to remove without mechanical cleaning.
Don’t ignore warning lights or the evidence of your own eyes (i.e. poor drink dispense quality (flat beer, smeared glasses, etc) – remember most of your customers will drink/eat with their eyes first and if they can see it so should you and your staff.