When you advertise for help wanted you will need to have an application form for those applying.
By using an application form you will be able to record vital information about the applicant (and have to hand, for successful applicants, information you will need later).
Using an application form creates a professional impression for prospective staff members and will help you select the most suitable candidates for interviewing staff.
There are a variety of ways to go about advertising for staff:
A notice displayed in your pub window or elsewhere on the premises. (Costs you nothing)
A notice or letter to your staff telling them that you are looking for additional staff. (Also costs you nothing)
A small ad in the classified or jobs section of your local newspaper. (This can be very expensive.)
An advert on your website or social networking site. (Free to you)
Contracting a professional employment agency that specialises in recruiting staff from the leisure industry. (Whilst you’ll pay a fee for their services based upon a proportion of the starting pay of any successful candidate they introduce to you; the advantage is that they will only send suitable candidates to you and reduce the time you spend on interviewing and selection.)
The local government jobcentre. (Free to use, which is a bonus, but a jobcentre will be considerably less selective in sending you candidates with suitable experience or qualifications as their remit is to get people back to work irrespective of their ultimate suitability for your business.)
Finally and literally word of mouth. (I have found over the years that just telling customers and staff that you are looking for new staff is the quickest way to create a pool of potential employees and costs you nothing.) Of course, if you are new to the business or the local area where your pub is located you may not know many people so this may not suit your purposes, however, you will be surprised that even after a short period of time how quickly you will be able to use this method.
For downloadable Job Descriptions to help you word your advert and define the roles you wish to fill see my separate article here and here for a download Job Application Form template.