Contract of Employment – An Example
I have set out, below, a specimen set of Terms and Conditions of Employment to give you a flavour of what you will need to include in any contract of employment you use.
You should always take professional legal advice with regards to all matters of employment.
This article is for your guidance only.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Set out below are your main terms and conditions of employment in accordance with the Employee Rights Act 1996, it is your Contract of Employment.
- You are employed by [name of employer] (Company Number if a limited company), [address of the employer including post code].
- You will normally be employed at the premises known as [name and address of your pub], although you may be asked from time to time to work elsewhere for the company.
- This statement was issued on: [enter full date i.e. July 1st 2010]
- Employee’s Name: [employee’s full name and title]
- Employee’s Home Address: [full postal address including post code – this is where you will correspond with your employee over all employment matters unless they tell you otherwise by means of a change of address]
- Your employment commenced on: [enter the full date of their first day working for you; you must have completed and given your employee their Terms and Conditions within 13 weeks of them starting work for you]
- Your employment with your previous employer at this establishment does count. Your period of continuous employment therefore began on: [enter full date – this section is for the majority of pub owners who inherit staff from the previous employer – if you are starting a new member of staff then delete this paragraph in its entirety]
- JOB TITLE: [enter what job the employee is taking on for example bar person, assistant cook, cleaner etc]
(Please note: although legislation requires your job title is shown, if is agreed that for the efficient operation of this business that you will undertake other duties as and when required)
You are employed to fulfil the duties outlined in your Job Description [use the templates I have provided or write a job description for each type of job you offer i.e. cook, bar person, cleaner etc] which is attached to and forms part of this Contract.
a) Your rate of pay is £[ ]per hour
b) Your wages are paid monthly in arrears*
c) Payment will be made into your bank/building society/cash*
(*delete and initial as appropriate)
d) There is no overtime rate
e) Deductions will be made for National Insurance and Tax and will be clearly shown on your payslip
Minimum Wage rates paid by the Company are:
16-17 year old – £[not less than the current government minimum wage] per hour
18-22 year old – £[ditto] per hour
22 years of age and older – £[ditto] per hour
For live-in members of staff there is an accommodation offset of £[you need to check with your payroll provider or HMRC what the current weekly rate is] per week or £[ditto on the daily rate]per day
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