Your normal hours of work are [enter the agreed number here] hours per week as follows: [enter the days and time you expect your employee to work]
But it is agreed the days and times may be changed at short notice to suit the needs of the business. It is also agreed that the total weekly hours may be increased / decreased subject to a minimum of one month notice to you in writing.
The position requires that you work the hours necessary to complete your duties. The actual working hours and days that you are required will, for business operational reasons, be agreed with you and we will give you as much notice as practical of any changes.
Staff who work more than 6 hours per shift will be entitled to a 20 minute break as laid down by the Working Time Directive and further such time as the company, at its absolute discretion, allows for further breaks.
It is agreed that for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations 1998 that the maximum limit on working hours of an average of 48 hours each week (calculated over a 17 week reference period) shall not apply. You may give the company three months written notice to terminate this opt out of the Working Times Regulations.
You are entitled to the above when not provided with work in accordance with your Contract and put on short time or laid off because either there is no work of the kind you normally undertake because some other occurrence has affected the business at your place of work.
The maximum amount of statutory guarantee payment payable in respect of any day is £[check with your payroll provider or HMRC for the current rate], or the normal pay for the day, whichever is the lesser amount. You are entitled to guarantee payments for up to five workless days in any three month period.
Where the normal working week is less than five days, the number of days entitlement to guarantee pay is reduced accordingly.
- Annual Holiday Entitlement
The holiday year runs from [enter full date of beginning of your holiday year] to [enter last date of holiday year here], and so on.
You are entitled to [check with your payroll provider or HMRC on current allowance] weeks paid holiday for a full year worked or pro-rata per month worked.
Holidays can only be taken on dates previously agreed at least one month in advance which must be confirmed in writing and the holiday planner completed and signed; to ensure your preferred holiday period early completion of the holiday planner is advised; disputes can be resolved by use of the grievance procedure.
Holidays cannot exceed 14 days in any one calendar month, including periods that cover month end or month start.
Leave accrues on the first day of each month of the holiday year.
Only one member of staff per department may take holiday at the same time.
Holiday entitlement unused at the end of the year cannot be carried over into the next holiday year [you may wish to allow members of staff to carry holiday over, in which case enter the details here instead]
You will be entitled to payment in lieu of holidays accrued but not taken as at the date of termination of your employment for the holiday year in which your employment terminates only.
No payment in lieu of holiday not taken will be made except on termination of employment.
If on termination of employment holiday has been taken in excess of entitlement an amount equivalent will be deducted from your final salary.
Accrued holiday pay on termination:
Each day of holiday is worth 1/365th of salary, but 10 days entitlement must be taken as the calendar equivalent of ten working days – i.e. 14 actual days for a five-day week employee.
Pro rata, for each 5 days of holiday the employee is entitled to a weeks pay, and for each day a fifth of a weeks pay.
Accrued holiday pay will not be paid when the termination is for gross misconduct.
Holiday pay will be paid on the last day prior to the first day of the holiday entitlement being taken.
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