More working days are lost each year through back trouble than any other single cause. Backs are clearly a weak point for us humans that is why it is so important to take care of yours, especially when lifting, carrying or setting down a load.
Typical Manual Handling tasks in your place of work:
Moving Kegs or Casks
Bottling up
Putting deliveries away
Moving containers of chemicals
Moving containers of cooking oil
Removing filters from extractor canopies
Basic Lifting and Carrying:
Check that your route is clear of obstructions
Stand as close to the load as possible
Spread your feet to create a stable base
Bend your knees and keep your back in a natural line. (n.b. do not bend your knees fully as you will have too little power to lift)
Grasp the load firmly
Raise your head as you start to lift
Lift with your powerful leg muscles in a smooth movement
Keep your back straight
Hold the load close to your body
Avoid twisting, leaning backwards or stooping
Reverse the procedure for lowering the load
Be careful not to trap fingers or toes when setting a load down
You must immediately report any accident or dangerous incident at work, however minor or trivial, particularly where any personal damage or injury is involved. It is your duty also to report any safety hazard such as defective equipment or apparatus, and to warn others if necessary. A report of ALL accidents MUST be recorded in the Accident Book.
What is an accident?
An accident is any unplanned, unforeseen event that results in injury, damage to equipment or property or some other loss.
Accident reporting procedure
Record ALL accidents in the Accident Book
Know where the First Aid Box is and what it contains
Inform your manager of all accidents and dangerous occurrences
Know whom the First Aid appointed person is (If there is one)
Remember – it is your responsibility to report any accidents to your boss, who will then make sure that the information is recorded in the Accident Book.
Broken Glass:
Broken glass must be disposed of safely by wrapping it in plenty of thick paper or cardboard
Dispose of broken glass separately from all other rubbish or litter
Always check equipment before use
If equipment appears defective DO NOT use it
Never carry out electrical repairs yourself
Inform your manager of all dangerous/defective equipment
1. List 3 key points to remember when lifting? Answer –
2. Describe the “Basic Lift”? Answer –
3. What manual handling tasks do you do in your job? Answer –
4. What should you do if an accident occurs in your workplace? Answer –
5. Where is the Accident Book kept? Answer –
6. Who is the appointed First Aider in your pub? Answer –
7. Where is the First Aid box kept? Answer –
8.Why must you report all accidents? Answer –
9. What should you do with broken glass? Answer –
10. What must you do if equipment appears faulty or defective? Answer –
Manual Handling and Accident Reporting questionnaire completed:
Overall Score :
Employees Signature: Date:
Employers Signature: Date:
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