Authority to sell alcoholic beverages in: [enter name of pub here]
Declaration of Training
I confirm that I have received training to enable me to sell alcohol within the terms of the current licensing law and the Operating Schedule for: [enter name of pub here]
Full Name
Date of Birth
Date / /
Declaration by the Designated Premises Supervisor
I, [enter name here], as Designated Premises Supervisor, confirm the above named person has received adequate training and is authorised to sell alcohol within the terms of the current licensing law and the Operating Schedule for: [enter pub name here]
Full Name
Date of Birth
Date / /
(The latest staff induction booklet now contains a detailed section on Food Allergy Training.)
To download your free staff induction booklet template and staff induction check-list click the links, if you find them useful please buy me a beer (the button’s at the bottom of the page).
For details of a great offer on e-learning and on-line induction for registered subscribers from InductMe click here or for a paper-based system check out this article from Sentient (which also has a 10% off reader offer).
If you downloaded the previous version of the staff induction booklet template before 6/8/13, you should download the current version above, which has been updated to cover the recent change in on the spot fines for serving under age drinkers and now includes a detailed section on allergen awareness.
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